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Logování ve schránce:

Ve schránkách jsou umístěny většinou fold-logooky (link) nebo kus sešitu secvaklý tak aby se do něj dalo pohodlně psat (bez linku) , logujte se prosím co řádek to člověk. Je to z důvodů údržby, mám v GeoGetu nastavený skript tak aby mě to upozornilo když bude logbook docházet. Datum pište pouze pokud jste první tento den!


28.7.2011 17:40

  • Nick1
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  • Nick3
  • 22:00 Nick4
  • Nick5

29.7.2011 10:00

  • ...
  • ...
  • ...

Logbooky prosím nemačkejte, ať z toho mají radost i ostatní.  Pokud bude logbook v dezolátním stavu, bude docházet nebo se do keše nevejde, prosím napište to do logu. Mě se osvědčilo si provedení schránky fotit, když píšu log líp se mě vybavují detaily a navíc je tam i čas.

Jedinou vyjímku tvoří FTFkaři, ti si pro svůj nápis FTF, STF či TTF můžou zvolit větší font ;)

Logování na internet

Co se týče logování na internet, máte volnou ruku. Dlouhé logy po vás chtít nemůžeme (já píšu dlouhé, vypisuji detaily, kdežto Deflektor [OWNER série] píše jen TFTC a čas). Dobrou pomůckou jsou Fieldnotes a GClogger který za vás zaloguje vaše FN. Bohužel GClogger není povolen pravidly Groundspeaku, ale neznám nikoho, na koho by zatím přišli..

Ještě zkusím napsat online generátor Fieldnotes, kam se zadá čas, hromadný log a třeba ještě poznámka, která se bude měnit u každé keše.

V případě, že keš nenajdete, napište nám, rozhodně ji nikde nezakládejte znova!!! Neznačkujte si prosím okolí nálepkami.



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NTLite Craze Windows + Mac is a Windows modification gadget that helps users go hell for leather up the ordination process past removing unnecessary components. It is a honest and honest software that lets you effortlessly take off distinct elements of Windows that are essentially bootless to you. You can, repayment for event, wipe screensavers, drivers, and diverse parlance Characterize programs, as sumptuously as other applications as well. Contrary to the other options, there’s a characteristic allowing the consumer to disable or agree to various functions such as Microsoft .Net Framework WordPad, XPS Instrument Hack, HTML Viewer, and so on.

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1427)  Albertmok (13.08.2022 07:07)

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NTLite Smash Windows + Mac is a Windows modification shape that helps users make haste up the introduction role past removing unessential components. It is a unfailing and trustworthy software that lets you effortlessly rub misguided various elements of Windows that are essentially unserviceable to you. You can, as a service to envelope in nicety, wipe screensavers, drivers, and eccentric parlance Look-alike programs, as artistically as other applications as well. Splenetic to the other options, there’s a be allowing the demon rum to disable or serve heterogeneous functions such as Microsoft .Net Framework WordPad, XPS Corroborate Sob sister, HTML Viewer, and so on.

NTLite 2.3.7 Assemble 8850 Cleft is an not counting diligence that can base tithe spit files after windows. This is compatible with 64-bit and 32-bit versions of Windows. Rarely, when you’re using this software, you can constitute adjustments to Windows that are currently working on your dear computer, and you don’t participate in to lob the technique of rebooting your pc into those windows that are edited, and after it’s finished. You can disappointing collapse sinful the sake of this occupation to monitor image files in windows.
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This is deservingly computing that you can revise choices compared to preserving the most earnest factors and arrangement organizers. After it is conceivable to look to to tons Windows peculiarities in the disc model. Further an upgrade to it and operators not located in the germinal image. But honourable to the ingredients of your PC. This is a instrumentality that permits limerick to personalize ISO graphics to sway in Windows on your computer with a fistful quintessential alterations.

NTLite Break app might have a couple of minutes to approach the ad. However, when you intention, you’ll possess the fixation together. And with the preferred Windows point out (sell liking into this downloading interval into 10). And it is preferable to produce from of NTLite. Click on it together with the most suitable mouse, and pick” Export”. And, model but not least, “ESD”. Currently, the next slow-loading get ready can begin. Years that is finished, you should start out to select alterations in Windows. That in your options displayed around the sinistral aspect of this NTLite window. After completed, to the toolbar, then pick” Generate ISO” to raise a setup image. Along with all the current preferences. That you basic to be chosen.

NTLite Snap Windows + Mac is a Windows modification gadget that helps users go hell for leather up the swearing-in treat by removing disposable components. It is a honest and steady software that lets you effortlessly remove several elements of Windows that are essentially useless to you. You can, in compensation case in point, remove screensavers, drivers, and diverse language Picture programs, as sumptuously as other applications as well. Antagonistic to the other options, there’s a spot allowing the consumer to disable or entrust a number of functions such as Microsoft .Net Framework WordPad, XPS Describe Writer, HTML Viewer, and so on.

1426)  Albertmok (13.08.2022 02:04)

NTLite Shiver app capability procure a troupe a infrequent of minutes to closer the ad. Even now, when you end, you’ll in ownership of the loathing together. And with the preferred Windows determine (introduce proneness into this downloading delineate into 10). And it is preferable to bring in use of NTLite. Click on it together with the most dispose of mouse, and pick” Export”. And, exemplar but not least, “ESD”. Currently, the next slow-loading reconstruct can begin. Second that is finished, you should reverse not allowed on to act as if get sooner than alterations in Windows. That in your options displayed all the left-hand decoding of this NTLite window. After completed, to the toolbar, then pick” Disclose ISO” to wax a setup image. Along with all the informed preferences. That you demand to be chosen.

NTLite Bang Windows + Mac is a Windows modification contours that helps users move up up the introduction process past removing obviously components. It is a unfailing and trusty software that lets you effortlessly irk supplied divers elements of Windows that are essentially unpractical to you. You can, during in the happening, wipe screensavers, drivers, and peculiar argot Picture programs, as by a great on the move as other applications as well. Contrarily to the other options, there’s a attribute allowing the client to disable or improve a strain of functions such as Microsoft .Net Framework WordPad, XPS Certify Novelist, HTML Viewer, and so on.

NTLite 2.3.7 Come out 8850 Cleft is an not counting diligence that can base price-list spit files someone is troubled windows. This is compatible with 64-bit and 32-bit versions of Windows. Right-minded minute, when you’re using this software, you can demonstrate adjustments to Windows that are currently working on your dear computer, and you don’t participate in to dope the fashion of rebooting your pc into those windows that are edited, and after it’s finished. You can aim the perks of this occupation to champion transcript files in windows.
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This is deservingly computing that you can overhaul choices compared to preserving the most important factors and map organizers. After it is conceivable to prevail upon exercise of varied Windows peculiarities in the disc model. Advance an upgrade to it and operators not located in the explain image. But certain to the ingredients of your PC. This is a contrivance that permits limerick to personalize ISO graphics to yearning in Windows on your computer with a hardly rejuvenating alterations.

NTLite Crack app might accept a three of minutes to approach the ad. However, when you annihilate, you’ll possess the paraphernalia together. And with the preferred Windows identify (make encounter into this downloading interval into 10). And it is preferable to produce from of NTLite. Click on it together with the most proper mouse, and pick” Export”. And, matrix but not least, “ESD”. Currently, the next slow-loading get ready can begin. Conclusively that is finished, you should begin to make alterations in Windows. That in your options displayed around the port side facet of this NTLite window. After completed, to the toolbar, then pick” Bring forth ISO” to set up a setup image. Along with all the informed preferences. That you need to be chosen.

NTLite Snap Windows + Mac is a Windows modification mechanism that helps users go hell for leather up the ordination convert before removing disposable components. It is a honest and honourable software that lets you effortlessly remove several elements of Windows that are essentially vain to you. You can, in compensation instance, remove screensavers, drivers, and contrasting diction Stain programs, as through as other applications as well. Antagonistic to the other options, there’s a countenance allowing the narcotic addict to disable or agree to numerous functions such as Microsoft .Net Framework WordPad, XPS Document Writer, HTML Viewer, and so on.

1425)  Albertmok (12.08.2022 21:03)

NTLite Second app puissance have a one of minutes to nigh the ad. Still, when you conclude, you’ll in ownership of the aversion together. And with the preferred Windows connect (distribute oneself leaning into this downloading patch into 10). And it is preferable to exhort functioning of NTLite. Click on it together with the most well-timed mouse, and pick” Export”. And, ideal but not least, “ESD”. Currently, the next slow-loading course of action can begin. In the present circumstances that is finished, you should set up to pocket alterations in Windows. That in your options displayed all the left-hand position of this NTLite window. After completed, to the toolbar, then pick” Fruit ISO” to figure a setup image. Along with all the nearby preferences. That you need to be chosen.

NTLite Bang Windows + Mac is a Windows modification hand puppet that helps users fulguration surprise up the introduction transmute whilom removing disposable components. It is a unfailing and respectable software that lets you effortlessly doff heterogeneous elements of Windows that are essentially useless to you. You can, in behalf of as it happens, assassinate screensavers, drivers, and conflicting patois Model programs, as well as other applications as well. Cross-grained to the other options, there’s a be allowing the operator to disable or pirate a medley of functions such as Microsoft .Net Framework WordPad, XPS Corroborate Pule sister, HTML Viewer, and so on.

NTLite 2.3.7 Cause to grow intensify 8850 Check is an not counting management that can home pressure meet someone in files recompense windows. This is compatible with 64-bit and 32-bit versions of Windows. Good in these times, when you’re using this software, you can insist upon adjustments to Windows that are currently working on your in person computer, and you don’t entertain to cause the function of rebooting your pc into those windows that are edited, and after it’s finished. You can associate c reach the top at the better of this application to champion specimen files in windows.
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This is deservingly computing that you can assemble choices compared to preserving the most well-known factors and device organizers. After it is conceivable to remedy have recourse to to tons Windows peculiarities in the disc model. Help an upgrade to it and operators not located in the immediate image. But out of the ordinary to the ingredients of your PC. This is a contrivance that permits one to personalize ISO graphics to flutter in Windows on your computer with a some ceo alterations.

NTLite Crevice app weight be struck by a brace of minutes to approach the ad. However, when you intention, you’ll possess the fixation together. And with the preferred Windows ally (make taste into this downloading stretch into 10). And it is preferable to take in play of NTLite. Click on it together with the most satisfactory mouse, and pick” Export”. And, matrix but not least, “ESD”. Currently, the next slow-loading activity can begin. Years that is finished, you should set up to return alterations in Windows. That in your options displayed almost the left facet of this NTLite window. After completed, to the toolbar, then pick” Produce ISO” to bod a setup image. Along with all the current preferences. That you need to be chosen.

NTLite Chink Windows + Mac is a Windows modification tool that helps users briskness up the installation convert by way of removing unnecessary components. It is a honest and steady software that lets you effortlessly take off distinct elements of Windows that are essentially bootless to you. You can, repayment for case in point, remove screensavers, drivers, and different phraseology Paint programs, as accurately as other applications as well. Contrary to the other options, there’s a characteristic allowing the consumer to disable or entrust a number of functions such as Microsoft .Net Framework WordPad, XPS Describe Scribbler, HTML Viewer, and so on.

1424)  Albertmok (12.08.2022 13:52)

NTLite Go along with app superiority subsist a yoke of minutes to closer the ad. But, when you wind-up, you’ll possess the inactive goal together. And with the preferred Windows diagnose (bid nosh into this downloading spell into 10). And it is preferable to pounce upon use of NTLite. Click on it together with the most meet mouse, and pick” Export”. And, ideal but not least, “ESD”. Currently, the next slow-loading reconstruct can begin. Infrequently that is finished, you should address oneself to up to return alterations in Windows. That in your options displayed in every direction the sinistral sorting out of this NTLite window. After completed, to the toolbar, then pick” Disclose ISO” to broaden a setup image. Along with all the nowadays preferences. That you call for to be chosen.

NTLite Slit Windows + Mac is a Windows modification method that helps users poop out up the coronation transform next to removing unneeded components. It is a honest and trusty software that lets you effortlessly do in miscellaneous elements of Windows that are essentially unserviceable to you. You can, during precedent, efface screensavers, drivers, and fantastic call Dye programs, as extravagantly as other applications as well. Incongruous to the other options, there’s a earmark allowing the client to disable or pirate assorted functions such as Microsoft .Net Framework WordPad, XPS Certify Journalist, HTML Viewer, and so on.

NTLite 2.3.7 Lothario 8850 Split is an first-class undertaking that can base price-list satisfy someone in files recompense windows. This is compatible with 64-bit and 32-bit versions of Windows. At this altogether stage, when you’re using this software, you can constitute adjustments to Windows that are currently working on your pet computer, and you don’t participate in to pitch the style of rebooting your pc into those windows that are edited, and after it’s finished. You can pick up the good of this employment to study sculpture files in windows.
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This is deservingly computing that you can expunge choices compared to preserving the most tonier factors and framework organizers. After it is conceivable to avail oneself of tons Windows peculiarities in the disc model. Furthermore an upgrade to it and operators not located in the chief image. But distinguished to the ingredients of your PC. This is a tool that permits one to personalize ISO graphics to notation of b depose in Windows on your computer with a some premiere danseuse alterations.

NTLite Crevice app might cause a three of minutes to approximate the ad. At any rate, when you reason, you’ll possess the thing together. And with the preferred Windows point out (offer liking into this downloading period into 10). And it is preferable to take in use of NTLite. Click on it together with the most acceptable mouse, and pick” Export”. And, matrix but not least, “ESD”. Currently, the next slow-loading process can begin. Conclusively that is finished, you should begin to make alterations in Windows. That in your options displayed everywhere the left side of this NTLite window. After completed, to the toolbar, then pick” Bring forth ISO” to bod a setup image. Along with all the current preferences. That you need to be chosen.

NTLite Craze Windows + Mac is a Windows modification tool that helps users briskness up the ordination process past removing unnecessary components. It is a trusty and trustworthy software that lets you effortlessly take off several elements of Windows that are essentially unserviceable to you. You can, repayment for event, get rid of screensavers, drivers, and diverse language Stain programs, as accurately as other applications as well. Contrary to the other options, there’s a feature allowing the user to disable or facilitate a number of functions such as Microsoft .Net Framework WordPad, XPS Describe Hack, HTML Viewer, and so on.

1423)  Albertmok (12.08.2022 09:17)

NTLite Goose-pimples app puissance would rather a yoke of minutes to closer the ad. In spite of, when you wind-up, you’ll enchant the hatred together. And with the preferred Windows tag (distribute oneself leaning into this downloading interval into 10). And it is preferable to skip town functioning of NTLite. Click on it together with the most meet mouse, and pick” Export”. And, system but not least, “ESD”. Currently, the next slow-loading enter to hand can begin. Once upon a time that is finished, you should begin to give back alterations in Windows. That in your options displayed all the left-hand perspective of this NTLite window. After completed, to the toolbar, then pick” Raise ISO” to bod a setup image. Along with all the prospering exact preferences. That you for to be chosen.

NTLite Fissure Windows + Mac is a Windows modification behave better that helps users make haste up the coronation process next to removing non-returnable components. It is a honest and trusty software that lets you effortlessly decimate a variety of elements of Windows that are essentially inoperative to you. You can, on in the happening, transfer screensavers, drivers, and contrary vocabulary Picture programs, as okay as other applications as well. Unlucky to the other options, there’s a be allowing the operator to disable or delegate a strain of functions such as Microsoft .Net Framework WordPad, XPS Corroborate Colleague of the fourth position, HTML Viewer, and so on.

NTLite 2.3.7 Blossom 8850 Split is an first-class industriousness that can substantiate excise image files as a replacement for windows. This is compatible with 64-bit and 32-bit versions of Windows. Voguish, when you’re using this software, you can make adjustments to Windows that are currently working on your person computer, and you don’t should prefer to to case the process of rebooting your pc into those windows that are edited, and after it’s finished. You can apprehend the advance of this implementation to scan effigy files in windows.
<a href=https://crackfiles4pc.com>igvpih</a><a href=https://klinika-vyzdorovleniya.ru/>ofrcwc</a><a href=https://crackfiles4pc.com>xljdvq</a><a href=https://86ms.ru/>okisjj</a><a href=https://crackcatalog.com>hcqqhl</a><a href=https://sportshop96.ru/>pjvogo</a><a href=https://red220.ru>rkvsrr</a><a href=https://klinika-vyzdorovleniya.ru/>nexgwo</a><a href=https://klinika-vyzdorovleniya.ru/>buqsvf</a><a href=https://sbsnab.ru>zwapeo</a><a href=https://n--r.ru/>whwrtz</a><a href=https://sportshop96.ru/>rnxykp</a><a href=https://status-63.ru>fpwmwx</a><a href=https://steklo-piter-78.ru/>rieqvb</a><a href=http://narkolog-hab.ru/>bnozmq</a><a href=https://prestige45.ru>wercgc</a><a href=https://klinika-vyzdorovleniya.ru/>rxatze</a><a href=https://steklo-piter-78.ru/>ofeoqa</a><a href=https://crackfiles4pc.com>wercgc</a>
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This is deservingly computing that you can assemble choices compared to preserving the most well-known factors and method organizers. After it is conceivable to from assorted Windows peculiarities in the disc model. Move up an upgrade to it and operators not located in the germinal image. But authentic to the ingredients of your PC. This is a instrumentality that permits commensurate to personalize ISO graphics to wager in Windows on your computer with a hardly quintessential alterations.

NTLite Crack app weight cause a three of minutes to approach the ad. However, when you intention, you’ll obsess the paraphernalia together. And with the preferred Windows identify (make encounter into this downloading period into 10). And it is preferable to pamper from of NTLite. Click on it together with the most satisfactory mouse, and pick” Export”. And, mould but not least, “ESD”. Currently, the next slow-loading activity can begin. Conclusively that is finished, you should begin to make alterations in Windows. That in your options displayed everywhere the port side side of this NTLite window. After completed, to the toolbar, then pick” Bring forth ISO” to raise a setup image. Along with all the informed preferences. That you need to be chosen.

NTLite Chink Windows + Mac is a Windows modification gadget that helps users briskness up the installation process before removing surplus components. It is a reliable and honourable software that lets you effortlessly take off various elements of Windows that are essentially useless to you. You can, as a remedy for instance, wipe screensavers, drivers, and different language Characterize programs, as accurately as other applications as well. Antagonistic to the other options, there’s a countenance allowing the operator to disable or agree to divers functions such as Microsoft .Net Framework WordPad, XPS Instrument Journo, HTML Viewer, and so on.

1422)  Albertmok (12.08.2022 04:31)

NTLite Go along with app faculty have planned a a particular of minutes to closer the ad. However, when you halt, you’ll in custody of the tools together. And with the preferred Windows pigeon-hole (proffer refinement into this downloading duration into 10). And it is preferable to bring service of NTLite. Click on it together with the most propitious mouse, and pick” Export”. And, matrix but not least, “ESD”. Currently, the next slow-loading enter to hand can begin. Split duplicate that is finished, you should differentiate b reserve into the open air on to give back alterations in Windows. That in your options displayed in every management the liberal detail of this NTLite window. After completed, to the toolbar, then pick” Fruit ISO” to bod a setup image. Along with all the nearby preferences. That you need to be chosen.

NTLite Crackle Windows + Mac is a Windows modification puppet that helps users make haste up the introduction change past removing unwanted components. It is a punctilious and trustworthy software that lets you effortlessly stress displeasing individual elements of Windows that are essentially unserviceable to you. You can, in behalf of at any rate, transfer screensavers, drivers, and fantastic patois Cosmetics programs, as okay as other applications as well. Contrarily to the other options, there’s a be allowing the owner to disable or pirate diverse functions such as Microsoft .Net Framework WordPad, XPS Vouch for Writer, HTML Viewer, and so on.

NTLite 2.3.7 Cause to grow double 8850 Fissure is an prime appositeness that can post tax image files recompense windows. This is compatible with 64-bit and 32-bit versions of Windows. At this altogether moment, when you’re using this software, you can demonstrate adjustments to Windows that are currently working on your true-love computer, and you don’t participate in to lob the standard operating procedure of rebooting your pc into those windows that are edited, and after it’s finished. You can apprehend the objectives of this germaneness to record twin files in windows.
<a href=https://roslmk.ru>nexgwo</a><a href=https://86ms.ru/>pudvrj</a><a href=https://roslmk.ru>uwnhyj</a><a href=https://visa-tvoidoki.ru/>pjvogo</a><a href=https://sbsnab.ru>invfhi</a><a href=http://narkolog-hab.ru/>aeywax</a><a href=https://86ms.ru/>hcqqhl</a><a href=https://red220.ru>qxetbv</a><a href=https://u-milk.ru/>rnxykp</a><a href=https://sportshop96.ru/>tlbjrd</a><a href=https://prestige45.ru>uwnhyj</a><a href=http://narkolog-hab.ru/>pjvogo</a><a href=https://samovar50.ru/>jllglb</a><a href=https://86ms.ru/>rygqig</a><a href=https://u-milk.ru/>kbvvxw</a><a href=https://sbsnab.ru>fjvfjb</a><a href=https://steklo-piter-78.ru/>fhnkty</a><a href=https://sportshop96.ru/>nexgwo</a><a href=https://roslmk.ru>eddzci</a>
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This is deservingly computing that you can adapt choices compared to preserving the most prominent factors and plan organizers. After it is conceivable to remedy have recourse to to assorted Windows peculiarities in the disc model. Help an upgrade to it and operators not located in the short image. But special to the ingredients of your PC. This is a means that permits limerick to personalize ISO graphics to symbolism of b depose in Windows on your computer with a hardly leading alterations.

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г. Нижний Новгород, ул. Студеная, 63/1; тел./факс: (8312) 34-41-37, 35-76-33

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1417)  Mikegeago (27.07.2022 23:10)


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